This poster really jumps out at me with its Think Green Roots. Great artwork and a message that goes deep.
What an exquisite design! This pinback button features a bright green and white coneflower echinacea blossom and a leaf-green pierid butterfly sipping the nectar of two delicate wood anemones emanating from the heart of Earth. Wear it as a beautiful reminder to yourself and other people that we should "Make everyday Earth day!"
This Earth Day mug features the incredible luna moth. With a wingspan of up to four and a half inches, this lovely creature ranks as one of the largest moths in North America. With lime green color and distinctive eyespots this is a very mysterious, magical looking being. The text reads: Think green. It can be customized to suit your needs.
This Earth Day card presents an antique globe on the windowsill beyond which a cloudy sky can be seen, and a parchment card that has arrived to wish a long and healthy life to our beautiful old planet.
Customizable button / badge with the urgent message that "Earth Day is Every Day" and an artful image of a ladybug or ladybird beetle on the green leaves of bush clover. © Little Wing Photography & Design
This sticker features a really nice design of helping hands planting a tree on Earth Day. Don't forget to plant your tree this Arbor Day. Image is property of Diligent Heart

Green Leaves by Bebops
Sometimes I think Earth Day is the most important holiday of all. If we don't give our planet the love she deserves, everything else will sooner or later go down the drain. We need daily reminders of the fragile beauty we all depend on. So I decided to run this blog to share Earth Day items I have created in my online store , Bebop's Place, using my original photographs and designs.
I am also constantly amazed at the wonderful products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of the best! I am hoping others will see this blog and will be moved to purchase some of these lovely items in support of our fragile planet.
Beautiful blog, Bebops. Thank you for featuring my button :)