This Earth Day poster features a pair of house finches perched on a branch. The male has red plumage on his head and breast. The female is tan and brown with stripes. They stand out beautifully against the luminous green background. The text reads: Think green. It can be customized or removed.
The text on this mug says, "I helped save this orangutan" because the artists donates 100% of the profits from the sale of this item to Orangutan foundation International. She is a member of O.F.I., a guest editor for the O.F.I. blog, and works with the orphan orangutans in Indonesia.
Recently an OFI guard post within a protected nature preserve was burned down and the guards threatened after attemtping to stop illegal mining and logging.
Orangutans are an endangered specie. They are extremely peaceful and gentle, as well as highly intelligent. You can foster an orphan baby and/or you can donate to buy partial hectares of rainforest to be preserved at
Stop Cooking Our Planet. Turn down the heat!

Green Leaves by Bebops
Sometimes I think Earth Day is the most important holiday of all. If we don't give our planet the love she deserves, everything else will sooner or later go down the drain. We need daily reminders of the fragile beauty we all depend on. So I decided to run this blog to share Earth Day items I have created in my online store , Bebop's Place, using my original photographs and designs.
I am also constantly amazed at the wonderful products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of the best! I am hoping others will see this blog and will be moved to purchase some of these lovely items in support of our fragile planet.
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