This Earth Day card features the stoat (Mustela erminea), also known as the ermine or short-tailed weasel, a species of Mustelid native to Eurasia and North America. His winter coat is pure white with a black tip at the tail. In summer, the fur molts to brown. He is a fierce hunter, feeding mainly on small rodents but quite capable of catching prey much larger. Here he is briefly pausing on a fallen log before continuing his hunting activities. A smaller image of a deer is inside. The text can be customized or removed.
"The earth laughs in flowers." Emerson quote with a photo of fresh, white spring Starflowers. Inside template inscription says, "Celebrate Earth Day!".
This card features Earthrise shot from Apollo 8 with this quote from an Apollo 8 astronaut:
"We came all this way to explore the moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth." [QUOTE CAN BE REMOVED]

Green Leaves by Bebops
Sometimes I think Earth Day is the most important holiday of all. If we don't give our planet the love she deserves, everything else will sooner or later go down the drain. We need daily reminders of the fragile beauty we all depend on. So I decided to run this blog to share Earth Day items I have created in my online store , Bebop's Place, using my original photographs and designs.
I am also constantly amazed at the wonderful products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of the best! I am hoping others will see this blog and will be moved to purchase some of these lovely items in support of our fragile planet.
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